Price calculator for accounting
Prices exclude VAT (8.1%)
Our attractive hourly rate
The flat rate for all services is CHF 90 per hour.

Efficient cooperation, and appropriate pre-sorting of the documents by customers, can reduce our expenses. As a consequence, your costs also stay low.
Request a free accounting proposal!
herePrice comparison
Our prices are considerably cheaper compared to our competitors. Our hourly rates are among the lowest in Switzerland.
The comparison of the average Swiss accounting firms’ hourly rates was carried out by Gryps AG, Rapperswil, 2019.
Cost comparison
By outsourcing accounting with us, you save not only in comparison to other trustees, but also in comparison with an internal solution. Check out our full-cost calculator to find the price of an internal working hour on a full-cost basis. The costs of an internal working hour are usually much higher than expected.
Great savings potential
Professional accounting not only gives you a clearer picture of your financial situation, but also helps you to minimize your tax burden in the following ways:
- Correct recording of all expenditures
- Complete deduction of input VAT
- Tax optimisation through expenses
- Cleverer closing entries (depreciation, accrual-based accounting, etc.)
- Optimal choice of VAT billing method
Chart: Comparison of the average Swiss accounting firms’ hourly rates across Switzerland’s German-speaking regions.